A new, more secure and convenient drop box has been installed in the drive thru at Mt. Carmel City Hall.
Allendale School Board Notes
At the July 2018 Allendale School Board meeting held at the main office of Allendale School, the board:
Voted to abate $37,115 from Working Cash Fund to the Capital Projects Fund.
Selected Mike Wilson, Richard Gochenour, and Gary Buchanan as the negotiating team for collective bargaining with the AEA for 2018-2019.
Accepted the bid from Prairie Farms to be the school’s milk product supplier for the 2018-2019 school year.
Began discussion concerning the use of school grounds for 4th of July activities. The topic has been tabled for a future meeting.
Accepted the bid from Glass Doctor of Southern Illinois for new bleacher electrical work. The approved bid was for $7,200.
Accepted the bid from Springfield Electric for new LED lights with occupancy sensors. The approved bid was for $54,789.50.
Accepted the bid from Skill Electric for the labor of installing the new LED lights with occupancy sensors. The approved bid was for $77,200.
Accepted the resignation of Melissa Gilil as an individual aide.
Re-employed Alyssa Hopper as a Pre-K Aide/Parent Coordinator/Title I Aide for the 2018-2019 school year.
Employed Elizabeth Irelan as a teacher for the 2018-2019 school year. Ms. Irelan will be teaching 1st grade.
Employed Audrey McGee as a teacher for the 2018-2019 school year. Mrs. McGee will be teaching 3rd grade.
Transferred Brittany Weiss from 3rd grade to Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten for 2018-2019.
Reclassified Kila Garrett as Part-time Special Education Aide/Part-time Title 1 Aide for 2018-2019. She was a Title 1 Aide in 2017-2018.
Mt. Carmel City Council Agenda
Monday July 30, 2018 at 5:00pm
· Call to Order
· Pledge of Allegiance
· Invocation
· Roll Call
· Visitors to address the Council (topic discussed by visitor(s) is limited to 5 minutes)
o Stacy Deisher – Drainage problem 516 Pear
· Mayor’s Report
· Eric Ikemire Streets, Cemeteries and Parks
· Joseph Judge Finance and Senior Citizens
· Justin Dulgar Water and Sewer
· Rod Rodriguez Fire, Health & Safety, City Hall, Garbage and Civil Defense
· Rudy Witsman John Lockhart
· Kelli Storckman Francis Speth
· Mike Gidcumb
· Dave Easter
· Presentation of Consent Agenda
o Ordinance 1096 – An Ordinance Providing for the Regulation and Application for Small Wireless Facilities
o Second Reading Ordinance 1095 An Ordinance to regulate ditch enclosure
o Approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting held 7/16/2018
o Approve payment of all bills bearing the proper signature
· Removal of items from the Consent Agenda
· Consideration of Consent Agenda
· Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda
· Executive Session (if needed)
· Motion to Adjourn
Bellmont Man Arrested Following Traffic Stop
07/25/2018-Mt. Carmel Police arrested 41 year old Daniel C. Short of Bellmont after the vehicle he was a passenger in was stopped by Mt. Carmel Police. During the traffic stop K-9 Ace arrived on scene indicated there were narcotics in the vehicle. A search of the vehicle resulted in police locating a glass pipe commonly used in the consumption of methamphetamine. Short was arrested and charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Short was also cited for possession of cannabis and illegal transportation of alcohol. Short was transported to the Wabash County Jail where he was later released with a notice to appear.
Albion Man Faces Several Charges Following Traffic Stop
07/25/2018-Mt. Carmel Police arrested 20 year old Daeshawn D. Williams of Albion after police stopped him in the 600 block of Walnut Street. During the traffic stop it was discovered that Williams was wanted on an Edwards County warrant for failure to appear. During the traffic stop Williams complained of a medical issue and was transported to Wabash General Hospital for treatment. Mt. Carmel Police issued Williams citations for unlawful display of registration, failure to yield-private drive, driving while license is suspended, operating an uninsured motor vehicle, and disobeying a police officer. Williams was issued a notice to appear and released to the care of Wabash General Hospital.
Mt. Carmel Man Picked Up On FTA Warrant
07/24/2018-Mt. Carmel Police arrested 37 year old Phillip L. Lang of Mt. Carmel after police located him in the 1000 block of W. 5th Street. Police knew that Lang was wanted on a Wabash County failure to appear warrant. Lang was arrested and transported to the Wabash County Jail where he was served his warrant. Lang was held pending the posting of $500.00 cash bond.
More Jobs Coming To Mt. Carmel's West Side
A west side Mt. Carmel manufacturing firm is growing. A groundbreaking was held Tuesday on a new 12,000-square foot expansion to B & D Independence. General Manager Mark Pettigrew outlines the project:
B & D will grow in size to over 35-thousand square feet, and Pettigrew said the company expects to hire 15 new employees, bringing total employment to around 55. It’s a short turnaround though, with the project to be completed by the end of the year. Work has already begun at the site.
Story and photos by Scott Allen
The Board of Directors of Wabash General Hospital is very pleased to announce that Karissa Turner has been selected to succeed Jay Purvis as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Wabash General Hospital, effective with Mr. Purvis’ scheduled retirement. Earlier this year, Mr. Purvis announced his plans to retire at the end of 2018. Mrs. Turner, the current Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Hospital will be appointed to the positon of CEO effective with the retirement of Mr. Purvis on December 31, 2018. The Board is delighted that a well-known, highly skilled, qualified candidate surfaced from within the Hospital’s existing administrative staff. The Board is also very thankful that Jay Purvis chose to share his talents and expertise with the Hospital for the past 15 years. The Hospital has experienced significant growth and success during his tenure.
Mrs. Turner has been with the Hospital since August 2005. She served initially as the Office Practice Manager for a part of the Hospital’s services known as Wabash Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine. Since then, Mrs. Turner obtained a Master’s Degree in Business Administration while advancing to positions of increased responsibility. In 2008, she became the Director of Physician Practices, an area of the Hospital’s business which has grown significantly. Also, she was instrumental in expanding the Hospital’s orthopaedic practices and took the lead in expanding sports medicine and providing sports trainers to nine area schools. She also led the effort to establish orthopaedic clinics to the Illinois communities of Lawrenceville, Carmi, and Fairfield. In June of 2015, Mrs. Turner was promoted to Vice President of Operations, and again promoted in March of 2018 to Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. At each step in her career, Mrs. Turner has demonstrated the willingness and ability to perform at a very high level.
Mrs. Turner is very community-minded person and is an active member of Rotary, the Mount Carmel CEO Program, and other community organizations. She, her husband Ryan, and their three daughters are long-term residents of Mount Carmel.
The Board of Directors continues to be extremely proud of Wabash General Hospital and its mission to provide quality health care services to Wabash County and the surrounding area, and its tradition of service over the past 67 years. The Board is enthusiastic in their support of this succession decision and convinced that Mrs. Karissa Turner will provide the leadership and direction necessary to keep Wabash General Hospital the caring, convenient, quality health care organization that it is today.
WSJD File Photo
Princeton Man Arrested By MCPD On Various Charges
07/20/2018-Mt. Carmel Police arrested 47 year old Troy D. Hickrod of Princeton after he was stopped by Mt. Carmel Police. During the traffic stop it was discovered that Hickrod was driving on a suspended driver's license and he was in possession of drug paraphernalia. Hickrod was transported to the Wabash County Jail where he was cited for driving suspended and he was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia. Hickrod was held pending the posting of bond.
Probation Violation Lands Man In Jail
Mt. Carmel Police arrested 29 year old Danny Huffstetler of Mt. Carmel on a Wabash County warrant charging him with a probation violation. Police located Huffstetler in the 400 block of Cedar Street and placed him under arrest. Huffstetler was transported to the Wabash County Jail where he was held pending the posting of $300.00 cash bond.